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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Did I Really Watch 214 Hours of a SciFi Series?

Last night, I completed a marathon viewing of Stargate: SG1. I started in September, and viewed 10 seasons, with 214 episodes. I've lived through battles with Gould (or is it Go'auld?) Replicators, Ori, etc. I endured numerous pop culture references, puns and catch phrases like: "We've got a problem," "Indeed," and "Open/Close the Iris," "Are you KIDDING ME????" and so on.

I watched beloved characters live, die, ascend, fall, die again, and live again. Main characters exited, and new ones arrived. I cannot fathom how many rounds of P-90 bullets were shot, people killed and injured, planets, and even solar systems destroyed.

All this was done with a nod to our current lives, using our times as a backdrop for the story lines and mythology. The basic premise was humans discovering they are not alone, and it's a really scary galaxy out there, with credible threats to our every existence. So, our intrepid warriors, scientists, and yes, archeologists, set out to seek out new life and civilization. But also find weapons and technology to blunt the force of the baddies. This was not the Utopian ideal of Star Trek. This was a story about a ragtag team of Earth's elite, trying to survive. Sometimes with comedic results.

Now what? Oh, have to watch the movie "Ark of Truth," Perhaps re-watch Atlantis, and view the final 10 Universe Episodes...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Creative Doldrums

I cannot believe it's been over a month since my last post! Time to rectify that right here & now by randomly posting my thoughts and feelings as March comes in like a lamp, at least in Colorado, can't speak for other parts of USA.

So, the past month or so has seen me mostly slacking off. Slacking off from exercising. Not getting out, not socializing, etc. Now that it is nice again, I am getting that motivation going again. My bike is beckoning from afar (I locked it on the rack, not kept in my bedroom.)

Time to find a new place, a larger place, a cozy place. I started looking, and found some nice choices. Follow along here if you are interested:

View Apartment Search in a larger map

Feel free to add comments, provide feedback and other options if you wish. It's a work in progress. I want and need light, access to our extensive trail system, and proximity to my kids.

OK, not a well-written epic ode to creativity, but still, it's something I've written. Please comment.