The other day, I got a chat request, via AIM, from a Kelly Heim. I know one Kelly, but her surname is not Heim. Herewith the chat transcript:
KELLY: helllooo
Sent at 4:05 PM on Thursdayme: HiKELLY: heyy sorry ii l botherred you i was just kinda IoneIy wannna im?me: sure, I have a few minutesKELLY: nice i waas so bored it's nice to have someone to chat wiith so whatcha doing?me: I'm working right now. You?KELLY: ah cool, i just finished workin ouut im actuaIIy about to get to work doin these shows wanna comee seee?me: no, I cannot. I am at workKELLY: i am bout to get on my caam ive been doin these while i am in college annd i thinkk i stiII have a freee invite Ieft hang on i'll IookSent at 4:08 PM on Thursday
It was at this time I noticed two things:
- She did not reply until I typed something
- Her messages were not in direct response to me
me: ok
KELLY: sweet!!! it's stiII working i just need you to give me a reaIIy good rating so i can get moore but iIl earn it
At this point I got bored & blocked "her." I wonder how many people fall prey to these i seeKELLY: ok mmy cam is hooked up through a chat nettwork to keep away these stupiddd lil aim geeks soo don't woorry if ya don't have a camm or it don't work ok??me: I am not on aimKELLY: aIright this is gonna to be so funnn just ggo to and make sure you cIick the invite on the sidde there ok? me: do you like football?what college do you attend?KELLY: alright aII you need to do is make a name with your name and stuff and you do need a cc of some kind to verify your age but you will NOT get charged a singIe cennt see where it says that?me: I don't have a ccKELLY: Iet me know when u get your pw from youur emaiI so you can start teIIing me what u want me to doi'll warn you though i can get kinda loud sometimes
me: sorry your link does not work.KELLY: i cant wait i was really bored no one was taIkin just let me know when you are in and hurry up so we can get this party goin
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