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Friday, June 17, 2011

Saks Fifth Avenue

I find it interesting how news impacts one's memories. While perusing another site I frequent, I discovered that the local Saks Fifth Avenue will be closing. It's this news that with which a flood of memories flowed through my mind.

It was 1991, I was working for a technology firm delivering computer systems for large department stores. I had been working on a project rolling out software updates to the SFA stores throughout the country. We were entering a critical phase where we were not performing adequately. So, I was dispatched to Denver to oversee the update.

At that time, my first wife and I were increasingly disenchanted with our lives in NYC. I was born & raised in NY, she had emigrated from Sweden before we married. A year prior we had toured the Northwest, thinking perhaps Oregon or Washington would be a good place to relocate. It was in November that I traveled to visit Denver. I had extended family there; cousins who had moved back in the 60's. I met my cousin Mark, who offered me a job if I could make the change.

I took care of my work, and had a free day to explore. Having lived all my life in the shadow of Manhattan, I was not prepared for the beauty of the Front Range. I drove through central Denver, into the foothills, and over the peak to peak highway to Boulder. The day was warm and clear. I was scheduled to leave the next day, when the snow started falling. In 24 hours I experienced the extremes of Colorado weather I've come to love. And, my flight back to NY left that morning without incident.

Back in NY, I asked my wife, "So, Denver?" She said yes, and we made the move in January. She actually traveled from Sweden directly to Denver site unseen. So, thanks SFA, you are the reason for a life changing event. And a series of good memories.

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