Want E-mail @Large?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So now I'm @Large

Welcome to my idle blog, Danno's @ Large. I started this page mostly as a curiosity about blogging, syndication and social media. However, I never actually posted anything here. So, after months of languishing among the dregs of the blogoshphere, here I am, ready to actually post some content.

Why @Large? Well, that's an interesting question. Go way back to the early days of the Internet, about 1993. I became friends with a gentleman with similar interests. We decided to start up a little consulting business to capitalize on people and businesses attempting to use this new medium. In a spark of genius, we decided to call ourselves, Consultants @ Large. So, why not register the domain Large.com? That way we could have cool e-mail addresses using @Large.com. Yes, it was all about vanity.

A few years later, we went our separate ways, and I kept the domain. Come 1997, I actually built a little Linux box using an old PC, sitting in the closet in my home office. Here is what my home page looked like back then. The website was called cowie.large.com, a nickname of my oldest niece.

Regular life intruded, and home-based web servers became difficult and costly to maintain, so I outsourced the site to a an e-mail provider, Entergroup. Nowadays, it lives on as a subscription-based vanity e-mail service. Want to be @Large? Then sign up...

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